• Shell Sort A generalization of insertion sort that sorts elements at specific intervals, gradually reducing the interval to perform a final insertion sort.

    Time Complexity

    • Best Case: O(n log^2 n) - The best known gap sequence, derived empirically
    • Worst Case: O(n^2) - The worst known gap sequence, derived empirically

    The time complexity of the Shell Sort algorithm is somewhat complex to determine because it depends on the gap sequence chosen

    Space Complexity: O(1) - because it sorts the array in place, using only a constant amount of additional space.

    In practice, Shell Sort tends to perform well for medium-sized arrays and is commonly used as a sub-routine in more advanced sorting algorithms because of its efficiency on smaller data sets or on nearly sorted arrays.

    Type Parameters

    • TElement extends string | number


    • arr: TElement[]

      unsorted array

    Returns TElement[]

    sorted array

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